Level 5 - Department of International Magical Cooperation
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created Jun 2, 2018 0:26:11 GMT -8
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Jun 2, 2018 0:26:11 GMT -8
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The Department of International Magical Cooperation is a division of the Ministry of Magic which, as its name suggests, tries to get wizards from different countries to work together. The duties of this department are to work with magical governments of other countries, set standards for trade, create regulations for things like cauldron thickness, interpret international magical law, work with Department of Magical Games and Sports on the Triwizard Tournament, be present at the International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats.

he department is located on the fifth level of the Ministry of Magic, and includes the following divisions:

The International Magical Trading Standards Body
The International Magical Office of Law
The International Confederation of Wizards British Seats
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