Potions Professor's Office
A gloomy and dimly-lit room found in the school dungeons. The shadowy walls are lined with shelves of large glass jars filled with slimy, revolting things, such as bits of animals and plants, floating in potions of varying colours. The office has a fireplace. In a corner, there was a cupboard containing the professor's private stock of Potions ingredients.

The office is sealed with a spell only advanced wizards can break.
Potions Storeroom
Accessible via a trapdoor, it stores cauldrons, ingredients and phials.
Potions Classroom
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created Jun 2, 2018 0:26:11 GMT -8
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Jun 2, 2018 0:26:11 GMT -8
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Large enough to allow at least twenty students to work and lined with pickled animals in glass jars. In one corner of the room stands a basin into which ice-cold water pours from a gargoyle's mouth, while in another is a student supply cupboard. There is also a blackboard on which the Potions Master can write the class's instructions. The room is especially cold, particularly in the winter when students are able to see their own breath.
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